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“At the end of the day, what zip code you’re born into or how much wealth your family has largely dictates your education and your education dictates your trajectory throughout life,” Vilardo said.


“We want to provide [someone from] any socioeconomic status or zip code with a top-tier education that is affordable. If we can empower anybody in the country and eventually the world to be able to access the best education, that is a monumental lift to society.”

Emile Learning here.

This is one example of taking what online education can do, and putting that into a different business model where one doesn’t have to pay for prestige institutional trappings. That’s part of the vision that online EdTech will eventually bring educational costs to palatable levels for higher ed students.

A key being “accredited courses available”, as accreditation is the gatekeeper that pricey higher education counts on to support their business model of whatever the market will pay, with few alternatives.

Kudos to Gary for the link.

With help of NFL player, this start-up aims to be Netflix of education