Back in the day, “Second Life” was a virtual reality where one could dress up in any style of Avatar, including many outrageous options. This being before the movie “Avatar” came out, another back in the day vision of “virtual reality” that sort of looked like Second Life plus $200 Million in special effects.
Copyright Jim Cameron and the Avatar film production.
In “Second Life” one could fly/walk around in a fairly realistic virtual reality space but the virtualness had to work on much less robust internet connections, and through many other limitations of the media technology of the time.
Eliot Masie “Notes” post discusses where we’ve been and where we might virtually go… in the “Notes” post below.
(This PSA website’s archive of posts contains quite a few discussing the pros and cons, the potentials, and the shortcomings of Second Life.
(use the search function on the upper right of this page.)
Elliott Masie Notes | Substack