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No, this isn’t a headline from the National Enquirer…or from a recently published sci fi title, or just BS. Why is it here at PSA? It’s an example of what surprises can happen, even during a general downturn in expectations, and how we should remember that innovation is in the upstroke of the J graph. Often innovation is because two different technologies or fields are melded into something very new, as in this case.

Innovation is still the #1 opportunity for education to become “very good” for all students in the US, as well as for healthcare new approaches that bring quality affordable care options to everyone.

Yes, there are some headwinds in the economy and in tech in general, such as chip shortages… but there’s a great deal of funding just now getting traction for Federal Infrastructure grants and projects.

A renewed focus on supporting and developing US based tech industries…such as getting chip manufacturing going again stateside…is, we hear. at least trending in the right direction.

Though as has been noted by wisemen, the US is a huge ship that takes time to turn and change direction.

Doctors Transplant 3-D Printed Ear Made of Human Cells - The New York Times