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DALL·E 2 can create original, realistic images and art from a text description. It can combine concepts, attributes, and styles.


DALL·E 2 can make realistic edits to existing images from a natural language caption. It can add and remove elements while taking shadows, reflections, and textures into account.


DALL·E 2 can take an image and create different variations of it inspired by the original.

OpenAI’s Dalle-E 2 does amazing things by way of creating images to order.

As Virtual Worlds are hungry for new sorts of images in great quantity, Dalle-2 is important beyond the novelty aspects, and the pure fun aspects, and the “go somewhere new” aspects.

As has been said, we can imagine just about anything…and it seems we can translate our imaginations into something we can share and communicate with others who are “outside” our brain in new amazing ways, with the help of AI.

BTW, the above image would have been greatly enjoyed by Marshal McLuhan as he loved to combine/ juxtapose various forms of media to jolt our minds into at least some amount of consciousness regarding how media shapes our perception.

There’s a book full of those in “The Medium is the Massage” from 1967. (the book no longer costs $1.45, and there was some controversy about the title…was it an error that it says “Massage” instead of “Message” as McLuhan sometimes claimed? Which is itself another trigger for thought.)

McLuhan’s remarkable observation that “societies have always been shaped more by the nature of the media by which men communicate than by the content of the communication” is undoubtedly more relevant today than ever before. With the rise of the internet and the explosion of the digital revolution there has never been a better time to revisit Marshall McLuhan.