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Amazon Care is dead, but the tech giant’s health-care ambitions live on.
After the sudden shutdown of its ambitious telemedicine experiment, the company continues to explore options for a major expansion into the health industry

Various forms of online assisted healthcare have stumbled after grand announcements, and such is the case here. The takeaway might be that online assisted healthcare may require large investments, but the state of the art falls considerably short of what’s needed to roll out a successful implementation.

Perhaps Amazon, and other deep pocketed tech giants, might fund various X-prize contests to ramp up the innovation to the levels needed. Let a thousand iterations bloom? One such “experimental startup” online assisted healthcare entity is the “Electronic Caregiver” company exponentially expanding in downtown Las Cruces.

We need many many more of those.


Amazon Care is dead, but the tech giant’s health-care ambitions live on - The Washington Post