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Working from home and learning from home are interlinked…what happens in the workplace will affect parent’s ability to supervise learning from home for their kids. Currently it seems as if there will be a compromise between employers and employees regarding work rules and locations.

As with learning online, some high quality in person relating greatly advances the subsequent physically removed interactions.

So the question really comes down to, “But how much in person relating is needed/ required?”

Here’s an article from Axios regarding their own approach to the problem/ opportunity.

One might note that much of the work for a “news collating and analysis site” can be done from anywhere…perhaps it’s even better to have “reporters” able to “file a story” from anywhere the news takes them. Or if it’s a matter of deep research, and amassing quotes, that sort of work doesn’t require a specific sort of location in an office, according to Axios.

A work-from-anywhere blueprint