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Here are two stories about one new re-imagining of how to do “College/ University”. One thing the US still leads the world in is the sheer number of new ideas circulating in the “thinking person’s universe”. There are advantages to being an “open country”, that places like China don’t have.

Ideas, no matter how wild, or foolish, or ahead of their time, or all three…are not vetted first for their imagined or real threats to the powers that be through totalitarian censoring machinery.

(Of course there’s currently also the challenge of those attacking our openness through flooding the zone with conspiracy theories and lies, and B.S. TBD how open we can manage to remain.)

But for now, we get needed reimaginations of how education and learning can be done in the US. We need many similar ideas, that also address K-12 makeovers, do-overs, restarts, and re-imaginings.


EdSurge article here on the MIT prof’s white paper..


An-Affordable-New-Educational-Institution-NEI-MIT-JWEL-2022 (Final 9-27)