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Students said that they would rather learn from their friends than their teachers. “They said ‘because they talk like us and they are like us’”


And that’s probably the reason why educational videos are so popular on YouTube and TikTok — the hashtag #LearnOnTikTok is massively popular for instance.

A learning process that “goes and finds” students in the places where they spend much of their time was inevitable, and suggests a different model for education.

When new ways of learning are developed, and practiced… it creates a new context which contains both the old and new ways. With new technology and old technology mixed together, the whole is different than just the sum of the two parts. The whole is different in ways that are hard to anticipate ahead of actual experience within the new context.

Kudos to Gary for the link.

Revyze is building the TikTok of educational videos | TechCrunch