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For further reading that might help us gain insight into how our thinking needs to change and adapt to work best with the changing AI, see below. There are many other ways to get a grasp of what AI changes are “all about”…a zillion YouTubes are out there trying to explain it to us. This below is just one example, chosen as it gives some insight as to what programmers might be doing of late, and the “type” of thinking involved.

Some of the way humans work with AI is shown below, as in math we sometimes show the work. Text and image AI is still growing and changing. It currently requires ginormous amounts of processing power and connected databases way beyond our mobile and desktop personal devices. and uses human to AI interfaces that are anything but smooth and sorted out.

But the power of collaborating with AI in this way is becoming known, and the implications of this power for our way of life is a topic for general speculation in social media and conventional journalism.

How do we learn to think collaboratively with AI?   It’s a form of media that requires our participation as we work with it. Consciously or unconsciously we’ll learn to think like AI does, and in many ways, on its terms, as we try to form AI processes into something useful for our way of living today.

All media massages our consciousness into something different than prior. Written language requires a certain mode of perception: AI does too. But what modes do we need to understand, what sort of education would provide us with the skills needed to master AI interactions?


Below are links to 2 parts of just one introduction on how we are learning to work with AI to get it to produce what we want it to produce. The point is not that we will become programmers at the level of those inventing AI today. Rather we need to see that our way of doing work in the world will involve becoming skilled as AI collaborators.


When AI text apps allow direct questioning of internet databases, rather than having to go through google as we generally do today, we have to be able to think along with the way AI thinks in order to ask our questions the most fruitful way. That’s a new skill our students will need to master; along with the rest of the population.

The potentials for putting the great amassed data points of knowledge into our hands in practical useful ways, is something like Ray Kurzweil’s Singularity, in that we can’t know what that potential may be until we get there. But some of the demands of the process are now becoming more mainstream with each AI tool iteration. Some of the results are as well.


Again, this below may not be fully accessible for all, but it does show a bit of how humans change their approach depending on what works best with their AI tool. IOW, they are trying to think along with AI, or in the modes AI does things.

We won’t all be working at the these levels of programming AI tools, which is a relief for many, but we will be working with AI tools to do work, and will need to be acquiring the skills to do so.

If we think about “learned persons” in academic fields, generally there’s a hierarchy where the profs at the top universities are considered to know things at a more sophisticated or complete or insightful level. Manipulating AI skills will seek to produce those “higher more useful” levels of knowledge to plug into our working projects. Higher levels of AI collaborating skills will be what education aims at. In part, that’s a form of critical thinking which is already highly prized as a learning goal.

So we will all be learning how to “do AI” as we move along towards a fuller collaborative model of intelligence. Perhaps by the time Kurzweil’s NanoBots are available, should that come to pass, we will have adapted to living with AI in some way of life that seems “normal’. That will take some adjustments!

Of course it won’t be “JUST” AI that we’ll be adjusting too; it will be AI along with everything else, such as VR and other disruptions currently ongoing.