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Here’s a third list of great teacher practices; this from U. Mass. Global. When one does enough aggregating of best teacher’s best practices, and one collates them into a manageable chunk of data, then one can sort further into three columns.

One for “clearly can be scaled through AI”; one for “clearly can’t be scaled through AI, and one for “maybe can be scaled through AI”. One could then get to work on developing the APIs needed to “make it work”.

As noted before, the intangibles of a human live presence interacting with other humans in a room will be hard to scale with AI, and some of that simply won’t be scaleable.

But there will be a LOT that is scaleable, and that can bring best practices to millions of students, in useful ways. The “average teachers” will become at least closer to great teachers through collaboration with the online “great teacher” AI tools.

Examining 5 Overlooked Qualities of a Good Teacher | UMass Global