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Organizing information into searchable accessible units might be one way of describing traditional education. The information being “stored” for later use was “input” into our brains mostly through reading books, and hoping for v. good retention.

This occurred in a “school” where teachers guided and directed the input process. As education evolved, that process consisted of much more than rote repetition and memorization processes, but the general idea was to stuff our biological memory storage with accessible data and some “how to” as well.

We hoped to be able to access the data at the right time in the right place so that it would be useful. This might entail consulting texts or other data storage possibilities. Maybe asking a peer?

Along came the microchip, and searchable storage capability in networks, such as the internet, and along came hard drives where data could be stored for more or less instant retrieval, if we knew how to retrieve it. So the needs of education changed in that we don’t need the same data structure in our brain because a different form of data structure exists. It’s not just books anymore.

Along in here some point there was a realization that if we’re storing information and “content” outside our brain, we need the right tools to make that efficient and effective. So today we have knowledge management systems which work for enterprises, but also for individuals, as well as something called “Second Brain”.

Workers bring along mobile sources of “how to” plus full databases of part numbers or procedures to their worksite, for one example. Individuals accumulate knowledge too, and they need systems for storage search and access, which are sometimes called Second Brains, to apply whatever their Job might entail. Even working from home needs instant access to knowledge. What skills are needed to do this?

As noted this is becoming a part of a larger experiment / discussion with knowledge and content, including what something like ChatGPT can contribute to usefully knowing. Above YouTube is a discussion of how to make the IP and organizational MOs both “safely stored” and readily accessible.


(Dig the clear write board he’s using in this YouTube so he’s writing facing us…a more immersive experience for the viewer. Previous posts here at PSA showed one teacher creating his own DIY version of this board tech. Also of note: the writing appears to be written in our normal left to right fashion…yet how can that be? There’s some tricks of the trade involved.)