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It can also answer questions about an image. If given a photograph of the inside of a fridge, it can suggest a few meals to make from what’s on hand.

Okay…hmmm….taking the contents of a photograph, and then suggesting what might be an action to take based on that content, and supplying what the MO for that action might be…appears to this observer to have great application to learning and education.

As with ChatGPT, there’s an implication of joining with AI in an ongoing fashion to understand and act in the world. That’s deep…to state the obvious…and a new focus for learning objectives in the “classroom”, which would clearly be as virtual as it would be physical.


Are we already on the downside of the hype curve for Generative AI?

This article from the NYTimes finds it necessary to state GPT-4 “is not on the verge of matching human intelligence”. As if that was a demerit…or an unmet expectation…it’s astounding that we are already asking:

“How good can it be; it doesn’t even match human intelligence. Gee, it’s still not perfect…what a disappointment.”  -a reporter somewhere

10 Ways GPT-4 Is Impressive but Still Flawed - The New York Times