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One of the things the USA does very well is come up with new and creative ideas by taking advantage of our huge higher educational cohorts in all the graduate research departments.

One might see those as startup incubators, which they often branch off into, with hoards of ambitious graduate assistants striving to distinguish themselves from all the others seeking to establish careers and futures for themselves.

One might be hard pressed to imagine a better setup for innovation, as there’s a central core of professors with expertise and grant access, surrounded by the very active cadres. All of which is very worth noting in light of the waterfall of innovation released by the new AI capabilities we suddenly have access to.

Reputable sources believe these new AI capabilities will increase an individual’s productivity by multiplications of what they could previously achieve. Besides what that can do for the USA GDP and the costs of goods and services, great leaps forward in teaching and learning efficiencies are anticipated. See the article below about Kahn schooling’s vision for what’s coming next.


One PSA vision of new forms of educational institutions and MOs for learning would start with recognizing that the “installed plant” needs to be disrupted and evolved into new ways to use the “school space”. That is not news. What is news, is that AI can create new forms of learning MOs that extant spaces can be tailored to support.

The functions of schools “outside learning”…cafeterias, healthcare, security, school busses etc…and the managing and maintenance of buildings..would be separated from the teaching/ learning component of schools. The teachers would no longer work for the school district per se, but for new entities that perhaps lease space in school buildings and teach a group of students no larger than 6-10 taking advantage of power tutoring from AI, and mobile tech, learning from home, and peer to peer learning engagements.

Perhaps the way forward to start with is the relatively easy to understand model of “tutoring” and “individual attention” made possible by the advent ubiquitous AI.

Teachers would have a new multi-modal role as critical important human support with leadership and guidance of group learning dynamics. But would no longer require or need to be under an administration that controls them and tells them how to do learning.

IOW, tutoring as a small business, which could also follow a local franchise model, where some franchises are “locally owned” and others are “operated” by at large corporation. One might hope this would allow for great leaps forward in the quality of education in the poorer school districts…perhaps through some form of government subsidy. And terrific innovations much overdue in how to develop a worthy 21st century citizen having all they need to succeed in a brave new AI supported world.