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There have been a number of salient perspectives proposed for educational innovation, some very fresh based on AI innovation, and others decades older based on exceptional visionary skills and capabilities, such as in this case, what Buckminster Fuller was saying back in 1962. One might also cite here Ivan Illich who wrote “Deschooling Society” back in 1971.

There have been others; it’s not as if we’ve lacked perspectives on educational innovation. It’s that Ed decision makers were not looking to “radical thinkers” for changes in education, but were shoring up the status quo instead.

We might presume that “status quo uber alles” equation is still in place today. Should innovators in Ed route around established interests? Fuller said that was best. But innovation costs $$$; and the School Districts are where those $$$ are located today.


Buckminster Fuller Presages Online Education, with a Touch of TED, Netflix, and Pandora, in 1962 – The Marginalian