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Much of the challenge for “grasping the AI revolution” comes from being unable to imagine what it might look like writ large in our economy. There seems to be a consensus developing that Autonomous AI Agents will be the structure for this transformation.

Essentially, these are assembled units of AI that are focused on a particular category of tasks, such as perhaps marketing a new service or device. Or it might be the device’s actual manufacturing or the service’s creation.

These are called Agents. They are autonomous in that they can do the job with little interaction with human managers. But they are also autonomous in that they can interact “on their own” with other agents in optimal ways that become a larger unit for getting tasks done.

Such larger units, composed of interacting autonomous ai agents, would resemble our current organizations such as the units in a startup or a mature business or corporation, or perhaps an institution.

The appeal is that researchers already know how to create such agents, and we can at least currently make plausible arrangments where the agents interact to accomplish larger goals. The next step is to imagine how autonomous agents might be able to take on specific fields or tasks, such as EdTech.

Below is a somewhat speculative discussion of how those interested in EdTech, such as PSA. might proceed taking steps toward the creation of autonomous AI education agents.

In conjunction with this YouTube how-to, we might do well to recall the 7 elements of effective defined learning experiences that PSA derived and promulgated some years ago now. Each of those 7 elements might well be its own type of autonomous agent, working together to create optimal learning tools and experiences for students and teachers in the brave new AI world coming soon.