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Asked ChatGPT4 to regenerate the 7 Core Elements with AI in the context of “Community Schools”. Which it then produced the table of content below.

Core Elements Original Focus with AI Community School Focus with AI AI in Community Schools as Venue/Base
Understanding Media in the Mobile Age Analyze and curate personalized media content for learners, adapting to individual learning styles. Identify and promote local stories and content that resonate with the community’s realities. Use AI to create platforms where students can share their stories, fostering community pride and unity. AI-driven media centers in community schools can offer curated local content, fostering a sense of community identity and pride. These centers can also provide training on media literacy and content creation.
Enabling the Individual Learner Create customized learning pathways, analyzing strengths, weaknesses, and progress. Consider socio-economic factors and offer resources on financial literacy, mental health, and community engagement. Connect students to local support services, mentorship, and community-based projects. Community schools can host AI-driven learning hubs that offer personalized learning resources and mentorship programs, connecting students with local professionals and community leaders.
Creating the Learning Community Facilitate online learning communities, ensuring active participation and collaboration. Foster community-building by connecting students with local peers, mentors, community leaders, and families. Facilitate community discussions on local issues, promoting civic engagement. AI can help establish community school forums where students, parents, and local stakeholders can collaborate on community projects, discuss local issues, and share resources.
Capturing the Learning Imagination Offer immersive learning experiences using AR, VR, and mixed reality. Simulate real-world community scenarios, allowing students to problem-solve local challenges. Use AR/VR for community history lessons and virtual community projects. Community schools can have AI-powered AR/VR labs that offer immersive experiences related to local history, culture, and challenges, turning learning into a community-centric activity.
Applying the New Science of Learning Provide real-time feedback, ensuring immediate course corrections and adaptations. Integrate insights from community studies, offering a holistic learning approach that considers the community’s socio-economic realities. AI-driven research hubs in community schools can offer insights into local socio-economic conditions, helping educators adapt curriculum and resources to better serve the community’s needs.
Embedding Cloud Resources and Tools Optimize cloud-based learning environments. Provide access to localized cloud resources, including community databases, local history, social services, and community projects. Community schools can host cloud-based community resource centers, providing students and families access to a wealth of local information, services, and tools, bridging the digital divide.
Architecture of Convergence on Target Student Offer a holistic view of student development. Integrate data from social services, community feedback, and local organizations. Offer tailored interventions, resources, and support, considering the student’s role in the community. AI-driven analytics in community schools can provide a 360-degree view of a student’s life, considering academic, emotional, and social aspects, and offering tailored support and resources.

(Admin Note: The table above included an experimental 4th column added to see what else GPT might come up with when using slightly different column header terms. That created some redundancy, but also some new ideas.

This post table was produced by asking ChatGPT to create a table that could be pasted into a webpage app such as we use for PSA website. It created HTML CODE, which when pasted into this page created a quality table. PSA has yet to research further what code could be produced to accomplish what task here at our website, but that is likely coming at some point. The code generating capacity of GPT is one of the essential and most powerful tools used to create autonomous AI Agents, but it can also help research our archives and perhaps create new tables and posts from the thousands previously created at PSA.)