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As Autonomous AI Agents are developed, educational modalities will be something assembled from a varied menu of agents, somewhat like one piles cuisine on a plate at a Smorgesbord buffet. A little of this, a little of that, and pretty soon there’s a meal to be had.

Because Education as we understand it today contains so many functions and modules and moving parts, it will seemingly match up well with AI systems that approach tasks in a similar mix of agency and agents. This will allow great flexibility to match educational MOs with the demographics, learning styles, and personalities of the students, as well as the changing nature of what learning goals will be. A little of this, a little of that, and pretty soon there’s an education meal that appeals to the appetite of very localized palates.

The forever bottleneck for updating educational MOs for the masses of students in the Public Schools, is that the funding is controlled by entities averse to risk. An AI based educational MO would seemingly obviate much of the administrative superstructure, which is understandably resistant to “firing themselves”. This is not an educational challenge per se: it’s a bureaucratic institutional type problem that just happens to get in the way of quality educational opportunities for all students.

Assembling educational MOs with Autonomous AI Agents is likely doable at the startup level of organization. Then it remains to be seen if open source AI tools will be available and offer a route around huge AI internet service control, or not.

Additionally, there’s the question of how much facility is needed with a lot of VR/AR ed tech available that can be used by mobile devices. Charter Schools work out “deals” for use of Public School facilities, but if less physical space is needed, and thus lower costs per student, would there be an opening for startup entities to explore or disrupt?

Will we see a day when our educational systems are modular, and support myriad small business ed entities, that make the status quo huge ed institutions obsolete? This is seemingly the way to get to the educational land promised by AI. However, it would require legislative regulation to secure privacy protections, as well as ensure that all children have access to the best ed opportunities.

For those who think educational institutions called Public Schools are the only way to achieve quality education for all students, one might point out how poorly that has worked out to date, with poverty areas having poverty Publc Schools.

Creating a melting pot for students, where online social groups can transcend class, demographics and ethnicity, seems far more possible via AR and VR with AI than has been previously possible with status quo MO. The concept of everyone learning the “same thing” and thus creating a unified citizenship also seems an anachronism left over from “assembly line factory employment goals”. Or so it seems from PSA’s perspective in early October 2023, the year of the AI.