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An option to use OpenAI’s Deep research is available to Admin, and the approach here is to use PSA’s “7 Core Elements of the Best Defined Learning Experience” from 2015 and develop a 2025 context for them which includes the advent of rapidly advancing AI tools for learning;

7 Core Elements is a Public Services Alliance document from 2015, which indexes the fundamental areas of focus when creating a strategic plan to advance online learning.


Please take each of the 7 elements, and expound in depth how they might be created and developed in the age of powerful AI tools. Also list what might be missing from the 7 elements, given that almost 10 years has passed since they were created.


What additional core elements might be proposed, and if any, how would they fit and “work” with the original 7? Research coming trends as relevant, and discuss in depth what sort of learning structure AI might involve.


Also research what the top 10 uses for education will be in the age of powerful and ubiquitous AI doing much of the knowledge work humans currently do.

Deep Research returned about 50 pages of text and graphics in about 10 minutes. The resultant report needs a lot of formatting work: when completed it will be posted here as a document to review.

7 Core Elements of Best DLE