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Brain Research Lab

One of the 7 core elements of Defined Learning Experiences is “Applying the New Science of Learning”. Here’s one example of same. Ellliot Masie is one leading force for change, among many, in our learning innovation in US. He’s been calling for...

LA Times Editorial on Charter Schools in LA

LA schools are in some ways on the forefront of educational change in the US. The present makeup of the school board supports charter schools more than many other school boards do. There’s a lot of political reasons why this is so, and a lot of funding questions...

MIT OPEN Courseware “finder”

Here’s a link to MIT’s Open Courseware online free courses. Amazing! Search for courses here. There’s also a newsletter available by subscription.    OCW’s latest peak: 2400 courses Posted on July 5, 2017 by mitopencourseware Photo by...