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Learning Themes: Elliot Massie 2016

An “ebook” presentation of events at the recent “Learning 2016” conference hosted by Elliot Massie, the new forms of learning impresario. This ebook format is hosted by their site online, but works pretty well, and is kind of a fun way to cover...

Putting “Learning” Back in Analytics

Four or five years ago now, adaptive learning based on real time analytics of user generated data related to thousands of other users… was a new idea. It was a new upgraded version of formative assessment and a new promise of learning enabled to give learners...

Infrastructure for Deep Learning

The OpenAI website has a number of white papers posted. Here’s one about “Infrastructure for Deep Learning”… just to give us a taste or a quick overview of some of what that involves. Just as curation is a burgeoning  field involving  science...