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Quality Matters, AI, Adaptive Learning

Setting standards for AI is in the news, as are the tools, both hardware and software, for which development is needed. Perhaps not coincidentally, we are presently undergoing challenges to effective “quality control” of human online communication that is...


The erosion of faith in information is a challenge to those, such as PSA, who would seek to enable useful quality communication between people in pursuit of goals such as learning, healthcare, and effective public services. We are in the midst of a period where online...

New Models vs Reaction

When change occurs at too fast a rate to be readily assimilated by cultures and governments and individuals, people and groups emerge that are essentially just “against all of that”. The catch all term for this is “forces of reaction”. In the...

Veracity online

Security and privacy indicate a need for anonymity online. But fakery and lies compete with  the genuine and the accountable online, and argue for verification of identity. These seemingly opposite requirements are presently causing us much angst. One might note...