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AT&T Powerline Internet

An idea that has been around for some time…using the present power line infrastructure, to carry internet signals to the home…is in development today at AT&T labs. However this implementation sounds a bit different, in that it sounds like it’s...

DigCit and Pokémon Go

There was a recent gathering of information and resources for using Pokemon Go as a learning tool for Digital Citizenship, and more. That document below…is quite extensive and comprehensive…and has a lot of links which aren’t live in the pdf. Go here...

Digital Citizenship OTL

Digital Citizenship is one area of online teaching and learning…it’s taught in courses such as by Julia Parra at NMSU, and elsewhere. Perhaps it’s a response to security and trolling issues online…and perhaps it’s an extension of the...

AI and social emotional learning

AS noted in posts from earlier this year, AI is getting better at reading our emotions, and even social circumstances and context based on the cues we give off, and based on increasingly deep databases with contextual reference points. Here’s a NYTimes article...