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Interns at WSMR

Interns are an echo of what was formerly called apprenticeship, which goes way back to the “guilds” in medieval europe, where you learned very valuable skills OTJ. Cloud tools make OTJ learning feasible in many many circumstances, where a...

Adaptive Learners and Adaptive Learning

George Siemens reminds me a bit of Marshall McLuhan, someone who has a clear vision, and seems at times hard to appreciate/ understand because he’s talking about ideas we might not have considered, or even heard about before. Here’s one of his current blog...


Consulting Wikipedia today on Connectivism, we find this:   Connectivism is a hypothesis of learning which emphasizes the role of social and cultural context. In this sense, Connectivism proposes to see knowledge’s structure as a network and learning as a...

Being Human in the Digital Age

George Siemens, Connectivist and author of the book Knowing Knowledge, put a presentation together called Being Human in a Digital Age in Aug of 2016. Being Human in a Digital Age I’m exploring what it means to be human in a digital age and what role universities play...