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NMSU online programs ranked

These sort of rankings for educational institutions are notoriously unscientific, and then there’s the matter of publicizing rankings that might not be notably a plus. 183rd for Best Online Bachelor’s Programs doesn’t seem all that...

Sooner and Faster for kids questioned

There are many opinions, studies, theories about what works in education and what doesn’t. There’s a lot of experience from what has been done in the past, as well as a lot of ongoing research. Some of it is extremely valuable and useful. Some is not....

VR Guide (understanding media)

An article in the February 2016 issue of Esquire magazine, discusses more about the mysteries of VR…somewhat along the lines of what PSA has been pondering. How does “media” affect us, and what do we need to know about that when designing and...

Ford Foundation and economic models for NGO

PSA is a non-profit and lives and swims in what might be called the Non Government Organization (NGO) ocean. For all our talk about living in a “market driven” economy, and one where capitalism with a big C rules, the United States, and pretty much all...