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Davey Jones Locker…err…Weblog

Kudos to Kris for suggesting a look at David Jones weblog which examines in detail the working of Moodle, what he likes, and doesn’t like. Kris goes on to say: “I like his posts because he is sharing by “thinking out loud” on topics of interest to him in...

“Grey Lady” goes VR

NYTimes is creating a VR app and stories to go with it. Guess you’d say that’s a sign of the times, albeit perhaps just a bit early for next year’s release of VR enabling hardware by several notable manufacturers. [gview...

LCHS “lip-dub” every student involved

Las Cruces High School recently produced a continuous take, every student (1600+) in the school participating on camera, “lip-dub” video. Among other goals, this was a way to create in real terms a sense of unity and group inclusiveness sometimes hard to...

Periscope app

We are familiar with the Flipped Classroom, where learners source video for the group as part of collaborative learning. Periscope, a new app, is a bit of a twist on that idea, in that we are watching in real time what others are seeing through their smartphone video...

No More Pencils, No More Books

Recent comprehensive article in Slate on adaptive learning, and what former just text book companies are up to today. They want to be called “Learning Science” companies now, among other changes to maintain their “market” today. [gview...