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LCPS students prepare for a blast

LCPS spent about 800k and “inherited” about $1.5M in equipment, to setup a “Challenger Center” downtown LC, which is “part space station, part transporter and part mission control center”. That’s an interesting form of...

Broadband access updater

Affordable quality broadband access continues to be a slow rollout for rural areas in US, and smaller population centers. There are efforts underway by tech giants like Google or should we say Alphabet to create municipal FTTH and/or innovate the problem away. In the...

“Learning 2015”: Elliot Massie

If we had $1500 a piece, we could join the huge “Learning 2015” conference in Orlando in November. Four days and 1600 people and more than 180 workshops/ sessions, so what’s not to like? Does beg the question of how many of the 180 sessions one might...

We are Borg: Tech blends with Biology

A real fear exists that, sooner than we might imagine, we will be taken over by the machines we make, the robots we build, and the technology we attach ourselves to. It can be pretty scary. We learned about one version of this future in Star Trek, with The Borg which...