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LCPS Admin changes

LCPS has made some Admin changes, responding to retirement driven needs, and budgetary needs, generally described as shifting duties to fewer staff than previously employed. Two of the notable changes include LCPS #2 Steven Sanchez’s retirement this June, and a...

Blended Learning Leaders Are Over the Honeymoon

I asked them one question: What has you jumping out of bed and rushing to work, in regards to blended learning? In short: finding out what learning software is working for students; making edtech tools usable for teachers; putting better data in the hands of teachers...

Learning Games: BrainRush

Atari founder Nolan Bushnell, is currently working on learning games, having done a lot of game development and game platform development in his past. Sounds a bit like his new venture is a lean startup. It’s called “BrainRush” and one can...