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Promotoras revisited

Programs intended to provide health and learning services to lower income and poverty level residents in NM and other US locations, need to involve local leadership. Local leadership can provide connections to those services in a manner best suited to the local...


PowerSchool says this about themselves: As the leading provider of cloud-based software in K-12 education, we connect students, teachers, administrators, and parents with the shared goal of improving student outcomes.   Our mission is to power the education...

Tutoring Today: Sylvan Learning

In the recent past, China’s government decided to roll back permissions for third party educational services in China. Apparently they had gotten much too big and too popular among Chinese parents, in the eyes of the state. Presumably their popularity had...

Processing And Learning From Video

Summary: Research tells us how to make multimedia such as video easier to learn from. In this article, I discuss how we process video and the design principles that make video better for mental processing. Understanding how these processes and principles work helps us...