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22+ Examples of ChatGPT Vision uses

The competition ongoing for who can offer the most useful AI the fastest continues apace with OpenAI incorporation of DALL-E 3 Image AI into ChatGPT4. The YouTube below spells out 22 examples of what can be done with image analysis, a few of which he says explicitly...

Envisioning Ed in 2025

It seems like perhaps a good time to revisit visions of what education possibly will look like in, say, 2 years or so. If we want to achieve a goal, it helps to envision it first to guide the process. Here’s what ChatGPT ‘thinks” when queried about...

GPT and 7 Core Elements Projection

  Current Core Elements of DLE Projected Core Elements with AI Integration 1. Understanding Media in the Mobile Age 1. AI-Powered Media Analysis & Personalization 2. Enabling the Individual Learner 2. AI-Driven Personalized Learning Paths 3. Creating the...