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Give everybody the internet. :Vox

It has taken surprisingly long to turn the LFH, WFH focus from just saying “there’s a lot of families who don’t have affordable access”…to spelling out exactly why that continues to be the case in the US. Here’s a fairly...

Learning at home has an unexpected history

Just as an aside, the monthly magazine “New Mexico”, has several articles per issue on various practical skills from Adobe making (the mud building blocks, not Photoshop) to Tamale making, farming, animal husbandry, arts such as pottery…etc....

Robots and “Care”

One of the worst locations for serious Covid infections has been senior care facilities, nursing homes, and the like. We send robots into areas dangerous for humans to go, and currently that includes places for senior care. Robots could be delivering meals and meds to...

The Strange Case of Jaron Lanier

In our current time of disruption, innovation, and new perspectives and approaches, perhaps it’s fitting to “touch base” with a visionary on the edge, such as Jaron Lanier. Mr. Lanier has some New Mexican roots, attended NMSU, founded a very early VR...