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Cambrian Explosion Of AI EdTech tools

Edtech tools that marry AI advances with education are having a J curve moment. Somebody called it a Cambrian Explosion as in the epoch when a zillion new organisms arose on Earth. Kind of fits as startup AI/ Education tools are burgeoning much faster than anyone can...

Apple’s Vision Pro: Benedict Evans take

I think the price and the challenge of category creation are tightly connected. Apple has decided that the capabilities of the Vision Pro are the minimum viable product – that it just isn’t worth making or selling a device without a screen so good you can’t see...

Khanmigo AI Tutorbot used at Khan Academy

We are in the early stages of the commentariat opinion-ating whether new AI tech will be a boon for learning, or a doom machine. Generally as this article from the NYTimes notes, EdTech has had a bumpy ride in school systems in the US, often because the tech...

ChatGPT Cheat Sheet

  chat-gpt-cheat-sheet-v2-v0-eunvmybl9cua1.png.webp   ChatGPT_Cheatsheet_Costa   Kudos to Gary for the idea and the first graphic link. There are already a lot of these. If only all we needed to cheat with could fit on one sheet. Coming Soon: Cheat...