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BYOD in the Public School

NYTimes article focuses on utilizing student electronic devices in the classroom – opportunities and challenges.  NYT Digitally Aided Education April 22 2012 The concept raises a concern about equal access, but this comment is interesting:  “And while...

Minds Behind the MOOCs

The Minds Behind the MOOCs from the Chronicle of Higher Education presents a range of observations and reactions form professors involved in MOOCs. The single most common thread is that they take a lot of work to create and deliver  There is also pretty universal...

Flipped Classroom Kaltura Webinar

From Gary: For what it is worth, Michal is an impressive woman with a deep understanding of video platform  technology. (Admin John: Last I checked the Kaltura WP plugin was in need of an update and not compatible with latest version of WP (3.5.1). Hoping soon, or...

One University’s Take on MOOCs

Penn (one of my Alma Mater) was relatively late to the On-Line education world, but it is in now with both feet – driven by a variety of objectives that span the gamut from defending it’s reputation to enhancing the on-campus experience to generating new...