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The End of Higher Education’s Golden Age

Clay Shirky’s blog entry is titled and written about “higher education”, but I strongly believe that his conclusions  apply to K-12 every bit as much.  Disruption will occur not because of technology (although it sure will help the process along),...

Is 3D Printing the “Answer”??

3D Printing is threating to relly hit the mainstream.  It was one of the biggest stars at CES last week with devices ranging from $100K to $499.  There were over 30 companies showcasing new devices. It seems to me that 3D printing may have quite interesting...

Peter Thun

From my perspective (with its associated biases), this Fast Company article is a must read! The father of MOOCs has pivoted Udacity to a company-paid content model.  Here are some pf the paragraphs that struck me: “We were on the front pages of newspapers and...