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2017 ISTE Conference: EdSurge

The annual ISTE  Conference for 2017 is being held in San Antonio this year, starting tomorrow June 24th. San Antonio, one of America’s fastest growing metropolises, is about to get a whole lot busier. Starting June 24th, thousands of educators,...

Internet Trends 2017: Mary Meeker

Mary Meeker puts out her Global Internet Trends slideshow every year…here’s the 2017 report.   [gview file=””]     [gview...

Global Learning X Prize updater

Elon Musk is becoming a sort of mythic character to the people of Oz (us?)…definitely a wizard, and even now he’s over there behind the curtain pulling the levers and pushing the buttons to create a virtual world where dreams come true. Or something like...

Various Viewpoints on Charter Schools in US

In a time of great partisan divides over almost everything in the public sector…which includes Education and Healthcare…it’s hard to be reliably and adequately informed on the truth, and the facts, and what are good or bad ideas for education and...