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Learning Trends Survey

Elliot Massie is one of the more active ed tech impresarios and promoters in the world and isn’t slowing down. Here’s a survey he’s currently using to gather information about: current and future plans on the use of Learning Systems to support your...

ASU GVS 2016 Summit

This conference has remained one of the more “important”, combining Arizona State’s leading online learning innovation with GSV, an investment company that focuses on ed tech, new media and similar. Needless to say there’s an emphasis on the...

Community Schools in DAC

What is a “Community School”? Essentially a repurposing of school plant and facilities to include much broader range of services than just the class curriculae. The vision is to bring improved access to health and social services, youth and community...

Video plus Creative

As has been noted over the recent years, the convergence of various elements into some new hard to explain “digital thing” continues. IOW, it’s become clear that we are going to create and curate and consume huge amounts of video today and into the...