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Reinventing TV, part 62

TV has been under development since the 20’s in the last century, and continues to be in transition today. The range of viewing devices we use today has proved problematic in that it can be anything from a tiny phone screen to a huge home theater to a digitally...

Film Las Cruces

There’s a new non profit supporting film industry in Las Cruces called “Film Las Cruces”. And it’s got a new website here. Perhaps confusing to be named “Film”, as “the industry” is quickly transitioning from using Film,...

AI “small steps” and Big Blue

Innovation proceeds in small steps and it can take decades for a new technology to “fully mature”.  Innovation proceeds in gigantic leaps forward, that leave us breathless trying to grasp what has just happened. Or both. Here’s an article from...

AltSchool: “learning different(ly) “

Article from New Yorker on something called AltSchool which innovates learning approaches with an emphasis on cloud tools. Inside, the space has been partitioned with dividers creating several classrooms. The décor evokes an IKEA showroom: low-slung couches, beanbags,...

FCC Lifeline overhaul moves ahead

As with most things bureaucratic, affordable access through the FCC Lifeline program has moved ahead in fits and starts, and one of those starts happens today when FCC announces their proposal for $9.25 a month subsidy for internet access to poor households. Any such...

Physical location in a virtual reality world

Where are students, both young and older, going to physically be when using online tools for learning? If students don’t need to be warehoused in a central building all school-day, where will they go, or stay?  When Learning can happen anyplace with good...