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Mindfulness and enhanced learning

Can mindfulness be taught and enhance learning? The question posed by this article was focused on mindfulness being used to enhance learning. The answer depends upon how an instructor decides to use it and the manner in which it is taught. For example, you cannot tell...

Not the kids, its the system

We’ve all grown up with the factory model of education. It’s come to seem totally normal. It’s not normal at all. It’s just the only way we’ve been able to deliver free widespread K-12 education up until now. Here from a Knewton blog by CEO Jose Ferreira. Of course,...

Self assessment model for adult educators

The LINCS Community is discussing new models for distance classes in adult education. This example from a project in Missouri called emints provides an assessment tool that combines what good teaching looks like and how technology can enhance learning impact....

Storytelling: local version

Story and storytelling are a part of the “core elements of DLE”… here’s a KRWG Public Radio program on a local group called Storytellers Las Cruces. One of the storytellers notes how stories work well for learning experiences. Plus...

NM Middle School report 2015

Analysts with the NM Legislative Finance Committee detailed the challenges facing NM middle schools in a first-of-its-kind report that looked at everything from standardized test scores to truancy and social issues. The report was released Thursday during the...