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Telecom misbehavior part 73

“Telecoms”, which now includes cable system operators, has notoriously been at odds with their customer base, and the cities and towns and states they operate in. We’ll leave it to others to explain why this is so, but note here that NYC, one of the...

Watching Games played by PewDiePie

The movement away from prepackaged entertainment by the established media companies has many contradictions. Is it grassroots, or top down? Is it selfie, or watching passively? Is it a fully disruptive phenomena opening the door to new players, or just another way for...

eLearning Trends 2015

A collection of stats and projections re eLearning trends for this year and beyond. Perhaps useful; albeit not as comprehensive as Mary Meeker’s annual state of internet report. First time in a while using “eLearning” as the term for OTL. eLearning...