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“Mini MOOC”?

Panopto is one of Tempo’s competitors that is more focused on Higher Ed.  They do a good job of messaging and self-promotion and they are a Carnegie-Mellon originated startup, so I follow their Blog and this one seems applicable to PSA even though I may disagree...

“Uber for Private Tutors”

Kudos to Gary for link from Marginal Revolution University stuff, and this quote below, which just begins to touch on the ways that a Social Learning Construct would be constructed… to include guides on the side, facilitators, learning curators, learning...

Build or Buy: Adaptive Learning Tools

Since a good DLE involves so many different capabilities, skills, and knowledge sets, it’s probably likely that at least some of the tools “mashed” into a DLE would be third party derived. Here’s an article on some options now for same with...

Games as learning engines

Prof Eric Klopfer from the edX course, Design and Development of Learning Games,talks in this video with Dan Norton, Founding Partner and CCO at Filament Games. Dan Norton reflects on Filament Games’ design philosophy and also challenges faced by learning game...