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Gamification Notes: Elliot Masie

Elliot Masie has a “Learning Trends” newsletter sent out by email, and his latest has a number of items on “Gamification”. * Gamification is NOT a formula of how to add leaderboards, points, badges and a few characters to eLearning. *...

Gamification course at Edx

My goal for this MOOC offered by EdX, Design & Development of Games for Learning, is to check out how a game, if it is fun and engaging, will help with learner motivation.  Here are two reading resources from the course that PSA might find useful. [gview...


As we experience more and more development of cloud learning tools, the terminology and names for things keeps expanding to keep up. Here’s another new tool, suggested by Gary. Gary notes it’s being used in Bayard NM,  over near Silver City, and the Santa...

Live hangout on air for EdX 11.127x

Here is a live event from April 29th by course staff for the EdX course I’m now attending called the “Design and Development of Games for Learning”. The Google hangout format offers participants a critique from the course staff on prototypes now in...