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Brain to Brain Communication

No, this isn’t about using language to communicate, or sending an instagram…but rather an indicator that yes some very “weird” sci fi level capabilities are coming to a world near you. Or to your descendent’s world. We have a dual...

Virtual Reality Buzz part 62

It’s quite some time now since J Lanier was showing off virtual reality gloves in Co Evolution quarterly, and since people were first stumbling around with VR headsets on, or even becoming addicted to dancing on tables in “Second Life” lounges. Some...

The Noun Project: symbols for communication

As we use new forms of communication, our means of communication changes. The creation and use of new,(and  reuse of older), symbols has been ongoing…in recent years….here’s a source for a compendium of links to downloadable symbol collections, and...

Signs and Symbols: Semiotics

There is a discipline in academics called Semiotics, which is defined as: the study of meaning-making, the philosophical theory of signs and symbols. This includes the study of signs and sign processes (semiosis), indication, designation, likeness, analogy, metaphor,...

Gamification: Coursera Penn prof course: free

Liz Brown, PSA BOD member, is taking this course on gamification. Looks kuhl. Gamification is the application of digital game design techniques to non-game contexts, such as business, education, and social impact challenges. Video games are the dominant entertainment...

Joy of Learning: LCPS BOD

There’s a lot to say about the Joy of Learning; we try to keep that in the forefront of important elements for online learning and DLE, but it’s very very hard to define. An intangible, if you will,, and subjective, and a challenge to quantify with Big...