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Prezi Prizes best of 2014

Prezi keeps moving along… with new features including a 3D function…and they award prizes for the best prezi of the year. Here’s the list, with access to view, of award winners for 2014. Below is the one for Education. Possibly one of the languages...

Differentiated Instruction

There are many terms that are used in describing learning. Differentiated Instruction sounds a lot like Adaptive Learning, but it’s not exactly the same either. Adaptive Learning may be defined as the online server algorithm version of differentiated learning,...

ProfCast course creation tool

ProfCast comes from the realm of screen capture, and video capture with add on bells and whistles for a professor or teacher to semi shovel ware their courses online. A good place to start for some things.

The Neuroscience of Learning:

As we frequently discuss, learning is under further review, for possible dramatic disruption and innovation across the board, and in every way. Besides the new communication technology driving change, there’s the ongoing knowledge expansion common to all fields,...