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The Future of College? : The Atlantic

As is inevitable, and predicted here for years now, higher education is being disrupted by various new forms that try to, as PSA does, start over from the ground up based on asking questions such as “What is Learning”, and “What does it mean to be...

NMSU Works To Elevate Online Courses

Article about program at NMSU called “Online Course Improvement Program”. Susie Bussmann, one of our instructors in OTLC at NMSU some years past…, RETA program head among other former initiatives promoting online education, and more cool stuff in...

T3YBC LMS vs VLE or DLE or….

Alphabet soup..acronyms taking over the world? Maybe, but the above refers to Learning Management Systems versus Virtual Learning Environments, and our favorite Defined Learning Experience.  In any new field one is learning, there’s the jargon to...