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FCC redoes Net Neutrality rules

Wheeler at FCC announces a do-over on net neutrality rules. One might caution that the devil is in the details, as with most things emanating from our nation’s captitol. The lawyers will be writing and sorting out the fine print, which is where the rubber will...

American HS is for “socializing”: Slate

It’s not just No Child Left Behind or Race to the Top that has failed our adolescents—it’s every single thing we have tried. ~Laurence Steinberg Gist of yet another screaming “American educational system disaster story” is that we need to get a lot better...

Net Neutrality: like SOPA: Slate

Article in Slate comparing “battle” for Net Neutrality at FCC with previous fight over SOPA bills in Congress. It’s possible that if enough online and cloud service providers, such as would be PSA, voice their support for Net Neutrality, once again,...

Video in the University

MOOCs may or may not be gaining wide-spread acceptance in universities, but lecture capture sure is. According to this Campus Technology article, the University of Leeds expects to record 50,000 hours of lectures a year!  Now that is a lot of talk!