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Nicholas Negroponte July 2013 speech

Nicholas Negroponte deserves a place in the pantheon of applicable visionaries we have been enshrining of late in our PSA Visionary Hall of Fame. Author of seminal books “The Media Lab” and “Being Digital”, Nicholas has continued to work in the...

Futurist Mag talks top 10 predictions

As we contemplate where to find the vision and wisdom to understand the do over, revamp, rebuild, restructuring, reconception, remaking, or “your one word for it here”… that “may” be occurring based on new communication media and...

Strategies for independent learners

Below is from a side panel from Anya Kamenetz Fast Co article Guide to Generation Flux College Degree, linked to in previous post on her. Here are some key strategies used by the independent learners who took part in Kio Stark’s NYU study. Learn by doing. It...