by andflywrite | May 9, 2022 | BEST LINKS EVER
Some people falsely assume the “care economy” is just related to healthcare but it spans far beyond that. The care economy is estimated to be $648 billion in size, according to a 2021 report, and impacts half the population, Wroblewski says. “At...
by andflywrite | May 6, 2022 | BEST LINKS EVER
STAT is a leading research and reporting site covering all things of note in medicine and public health. (pay wall). Here’s one of their useful reports on AI and medical care/ healthcare. Since we use two terms, presumably there’s a difference between...
by andflywrite | May 2, 2022 | BEST LINKS EVER
MIT’s “NextGen OCW” means new and improved experiences for learners – more support for educators – energizing new collaborations with open education colleagues around the world – and a greater capacity to share even more current and vibrant MIT content in the years to...
by andflywrite | May 1, 2022 | BEST LINKS EVER
In the LCPS version of a VirtualLearningAcademy VLA)— which offers K-12 classes — students have scheduled instruction with teachers a couple hours a day and can then complete assignments on their own schedule. VLA teachers also have office hours for one-on-one...
by andflywrite | Apr 29, 2022 | BEST LINKS EVER
The Online Learning Consortium (OLC) asks in their podcast series “The EdUp Experience” : What’s the difference between remote & online learning, and what is “emergency response remote learning”? Dr. Mathes is...
by andflywrite | Apr 28, 2022 | BEST LINKS EVER
Eleven New Mexico telecom and broadband providers are planning a statewide fiber network to be known as NM Fiber Network LLC. The network is a “multi-year, multi-million dollar” undertaking, NM Fiber Network said.