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Repurposing Buildings Into Schools part 2

Here’s a list by ChatGPT of 25 examples of repurposing buildings into schools, often by grass roots.   Adaptive Reuse: Turning Vacant Buildings into Schools Click to access 34BPLW_Presentation_AdaptiveReuseSchools.pdf Puerto Rico’s Rescued Schools: A...

Repurposing Buildings Into Schools

Schools are expensive buildings to create, and then to staff and conduct “school” for students. There are some initiatives where unused buildings can be converted into schools, often outside of the public school system, and often under the auspices of...

2035 scenario of current signals of change

See the IFTF imagined a scenerio for ten years in the future. How does this scenerio apply to personalized learning and education as a service for workforce development? What are the current signals of change and drivers for transformation such as Coursera? IFTF - The...