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Inner reaches of Outer Space

There’s a Joseph Campbell book by that title, which might be of use as we try to understand what happens when galaxies of IRL space, and galaxies of Virtual space, collide in our world today. In a practical and pragmatic sense, what does physical space look like...

Location, location, location

Among all the “big” changes ongoing, our sense of space/place/ location is one of the most profound. It is one thing to talk about “virtual space”, and quite another to re-arrange much of the structure of civilization to accommodate the new...

The Attention Economy

Yet, ours is not truly an information economy. By definition, economics is the study of how a society uses its scarce resources. And information is not scarce – especially on the Net, where it is not only abundant, but overflowing. We are drowning in...

The Great Unbundling: Evans

Benedict Evans is a respected analyst of worldwide tech trends, and his annual slide show for 2021 is called “The Great Unbundling”. Below is a video that features Benedict Evan’s 2021...