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Videcon platform wars continue

Teleconferencing is much too long a word to survive common use. Videoconferencing is much too long also. Maybe we could try Videcon? As the WFH, LFH, HFH, “revolution” continues apace, big Tech/ Social Media/ Telecom…is going all out for market share...

Healthcare today: some anecdotal evidence

Our colleague Gary who often shares links with PSA, recently was required to arrange a Covid19 test for himself and his wife, after exposure to a house painter who tested positive. Here’s his report, with an addendum covering the actual test done from his car....

LFH, WFH, HFH: Image Intimacy Progressions

The online world has been a wiggly progression, but always toward a “higher” form of connectivity/   and presence. The human face is amazingly flexible and forms highly varied emotional pictures that we project and receive during interaction with others....

COVID and forced experiments: Benedict Evans

Here’s a newsletter report on current online events by Benedict Evans. [gview file=”—-Benedict-Evans.pdf”] One can subscribe to Mr. Evan’s newsletter via...