by andflywrite | Oct 6, 2015 | BEST LINKS EVER, GO AHEAD CALLER
Identity is a powerful force for motivating actions such as learning. How one sees oneself is an important factor in what one becomes. As is how others see us. In an online world, identity is made up by various media elements, social media constructs, tools for...
by andflywrite | Sep 30, 2015 | BEST LINKS EVER, GO AHEAD CALLER
As PSA frequently notes, OTL involves a blending of core elements, created and packaged much like a recipe for a tasty dish. Combine the elements just so, and it “works”. The collection in the subject line above are all “ingredients” in a dish...
by andflywrite | Sep 8, 2015 | BEST LINKS EVER, GO AHEAD CALLER
Gary shared a link on ranking of Los Alamos schools among the best of the best. Which brings up a huge topic; how does student success in one demographic, that of very high concentration of graduate degrees and high research salaries such as Los Alamos, relate to...
by andflywrite | Jun 21, 2015 | BEST LINKS EVER, GO AHEAD CALLER
PSA has pointed to ideas about human perception, and how we “create” our world as we live it, and how this is often referred to as being self-reflexive. IOW, sort of living in a mirror, and how that quality of understanding perception helps us understand...
by andflywrite | Jun 15, 2015 | BEST LINKS EVER, GO AHEAD CALLER
The internet is a very collaborative place, with ubiquitous sharing and curation. This is, for learning purposes, a terrific thing. But digital rights for content creators is also important. How do those two conflicting interests “get along” online? What...
by gary575 | Jun 6, 2015 | BEST LINKS EVER, GO AHEAD CALLER
Panopto is one of Tempo’s competitors that is more focused on Higher Ed. They do a good job of messaging and self-promotion and they are a Carnegie-Mellon originated startup, so I follow their Blog and this one seems applicable to PSA even though I may disagree...